How Pfeifer is putting logistics efficiency at the root of their business
Passion for Timber
When a company’s slogan is, Passion for Timber, you know they are serious about working with wood.
Pfeifer is the leading timber processing company in Central Europe, but its customer values today remain as strong as those established by its founder Barbara Pfeifer, in 1948.
Transportation plays a vital role in meeting customer demands and expectations, ensuring delivery deadlines are met with pinpoint accuracy.

Managing costly, time-critical deliveries
In an increasingly competitive environment, Pfeifer needed to find ways to reduce its costs, improve efficiency, and manage time-critical deliveries.
In order to achieve this, Pfeifer needed to centralise and digitalise its transport scheduling unit. This would enable its logistics team to better organise the loading processes, thereby reducing traffic jam issues and costly waiting times.

Seamless communication across the supply chain
Since 2009, Pfeifer has been digitising its logistics processes with the help of the Transporeon Platform. Currently, 8 of its 13 plants across Europe use our Transport Execution Hub and are benefiting from products such as No-Touch Order, Best Carrier, Rate Management, Attachment Service, and the Dock and Yard Management Hub.
The platform is perfectly embedded in Pfeifer’s IT landscape and communication between the systems is seamless, thanks to Transporeon Add-on Hybrid for SAP S/4HANA.
Recently, Pfeifer also adopted a Data Hub solution with Market Insights to achieve transparency and knowledge into its logistics operations.

Making transport and logistics more efficient
Thanks to the Transport Execution Hub, Pfeifer has adopted a mix of contract and spot assignments to fulfil its transportation needs, reduce empty miles and increase FTLs. In addition, the Dock and Yard Management Hub has ensured an even distribution of truck arrivals, with 50% arriving on time. Truck processing time has also been reduced by up to 30 minutes per vhicle.