Our podcast on the true stories behind logistics challenges continues with a special focus on sustainability.
Driving Change

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Studying Sustainability with Coyote Logistics
Every day, Coyote Logistics matches 10,000 shipments around the world. They’re using that reach to study sustainability and promote cross-organizational collaboration.
We speak with Jaap Bruining, SVP Head of Europe at Coyote Logistics, about why they’re using their influence to connect specialists from across the supply chain and how they’re using that knowledge to develop new technologies to help reduce empty miles.

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LGBTQ Inclusion with Regan Morton
Mid-way through Pride month, we speak with Regan Morton, a truck driver, activist, and member of Women in Trucking. As a trans woman, Regan works to raise awareness around issues of LGBTQ inclusivity.
We discuss how the trucking industry can better support LGBTQ drivers and why Regan is optimistic about the future.

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Reflecting on Brexit with Transped
When Brexit went into effect, the whole transport industry was thrown into chaos.
Now we are reflecting on what’s changed and what’s coming next with Richard Manfield from Transped Europe.
We discuss what Carriers had to put up with during the Brexit transition as well as what the future of intermodal transport might look like.
Green Edition

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Making Food More Sustainable with Daniel Anthes
For the first episode in our special Green Edition of Behind the Mask, we are talking with Daniel Anthes — Speaker, Author, Food Activist, and Social Entrepreneur — on his work to reduce food waste.
The connection between food, sustainability, and transport is so strong, and it affects all of us. But the common advice to “buy local” may be only half the story. Daniel explains how to calculate the environmental impact of the food we eat based on where it’s grown, how long it’s stored, and what is seasonal at the time.

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The Road to Net Zero with Fernando Liesa and Moritz Petersen
How can we stay motivated on our journey to NetZero?
On the latest episode of Behind the Mask, our guests Fernando Liesa, Secretary General at ALICE and Moritz Petersen, Senior Researcher at Kühne Logistics University – discuss how technology incubators like Transporeon4Future are helping solve the biggest challenges facing the logistics industry.

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The Unseen Plastic with LAM'ON
We’re discussing an unfamiliar aspect of a very familiar topic: plastic. Our guest Gergana Stancheva is a Co-Founder of the start-up LAM’ON which produces a 100% biodegradable alternative to plastic laminate and packaging foil.
With the EU banning single-use plastic in July 2021, the topic of plastic laminates is more relevant than ever. Learn more about this invisible material and its environmental impact.

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People & Planet with ALICE and L'Oréal
Meeting ambitious, global sustainability goals requires collaboration.
This week we are joined by François-Régis le Tourneau, VP Sustainability International Coordination at L'Oréal and Chairman at ALICE. Between these two roles, he knows all about big climate commitments and how to inspire collective effort.
We discuss the Physical Internet Initiative, 2030 and 2050 goals, how the pandemic has affected climate awareness, and more.

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One Small Change with Park Your Truck
One of the biggest challenges in road transit is what happens at the end of a long drive: finding parking.
This week we talk with Denise Schuster, the CEO of Park Your Truck, which just won the Eco Performance Award within the Start-up Category.
We explore how Park Your Truck’s mission to provide safe, reliable, and sustainable parking for truck drivers fulfills goals set by both the European Commission and the United Nations.

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Vermeiden, Verlagern und Verbessern mit Daniel Balmer von der MIGROS Ostschweiz
This week’s podcast is in German language.
Die MIGROS Ostschweiz hat kürzlich den Eco Performance Award in der Kategorie Großunternehmen gewonnen. Wie sie diesen in Zeiten einer Pandemie gefeiert haben und wie sich Konkurrenten zusammenschließen, um ein gemeinsames Ziel zu verfolgen erzählt uns Daniel Balmer, Leiter Transportlogistik der Genossenschaft MIGROS Ostschweiz.
Das und noch mehr in dieser Woche bei "Behind the Mask: Green Edition".
Behind the Mask

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Week #8 - Tue Gutes und rede darüber!
This week’s podcast is in German language.
Genau das haben wir getan. Mit Steffen Riedel, Head of Logistics bei der Eckes-Granini Gruppe und Santiago Garcia-Escobar, Country Manager bei der Team Rynkeby Foundation. Wie aus einer kleinen Gruppe von 11 Mitarbeitern eine europaweite Initiative wurde, die im letzten Jahr trotz Corona über 8 Mio Euro an Spenden sammeln konnte. Was tut Eckes-Granini um bereits in 2021 klimaneutral zu sein und wie funktioniert der Green Check. Das und noch mehr in dieser Woche bei 'Behind the Mask'.

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Week #7 with Thomas Muschalla
It was a shock to the system for Head of Supply Chain & Logistics, Thomas Muschalla, Head of SCM Projectmanagement Isover – Rigips, when overnight, staying, and working from home became routine back in March 2020.
It transpired that Rigips’ prior investment in digitalization formed the platform that has enabled the company to operate successfully since lockdown began – supported, of course, by the video conferencing tech that’s taken the world by storm. However, some things just aren’t the same virtually. While there’s no going back to the world we knew before CoVid-19, Thomas joins us for this week’s podcast to explain how trust in your colleagues and the occasional face-to-face conversation are essential in the next normal.

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Week #6 with Frank Vorrath, VP Supply Chain EMEA at Gartner
One of the first to issue advice on risk and recovery in the context of the pandemic, Gartner remains focused on scenario-based forecasting to support shippers and carriers on their steady road to recovery. In this episode, VP Supply Chain EMEA, Frank Vorrath, discusses how emerging tech is predicted to accelerate even faster as the logistics industry responds to greater demand for environmental transparency, enables more dynamic supply chains and embraces a leap forward in digital adoption in the next normal.

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Week #5 with Eva Končanina, Head of Business Unit Scandinavia at Girteka Logistics
For Eva, the impact of the pandemic became real on a personal level when her daily commute past the airport became a whole lot quieter. This week, Eva Končanina joins us from the office in Lithuania to share her experience as a female leader in the typically male-dominated logistics industry, the moment Girteka realised Covid-19 would impact the whole world, and how lockdown enabled her to see the magic in the simpler things.

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Week #4 with Andreas Reuther, Head of Projects and Logistics Innovation at Fressnapf Logistik GmbH
While the world stayed home with their pets, many people in the pet supplies industry had no choice but to stay on the front line to ensure our furry friends didn’t go without. This week on Behind The Mask, Andreas Reuther joined us to reflect on how adapting to change every day has become routine for so many of us in 2020, and made us more resilient as a result.

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Week #3 with Ian Mears, Business Process Manager Transport and Warehousing at Etex Group
This week on Behind the Mask, host Oliver Kahrs chats to Ian Mears from Etex Group. An Englishman living in Belgium, Ian shares his views on how different nations continue to experience lockdown in different ways, recognising the global medical community for the personal sacrifices they’ve made to prioritise the health and lives of others during such difficult times. But can you guess what Ian misses the most about office life?

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Week #2 with Daniel Fuchs VP Group Partnership at Coface
This week we’re joined by Daniel Fuchs, VP of Group Partnership at Coface, one of the largest international credit insurers globally. Listen in as Daniel shares his unique insight into the economic situation impacted by the pandemic, explains how Coface was able to detect the downturn ahead of time, and just how important it remains to keep credit lines open to facilitate international trade, and support the slow but sure growth predicted for the ‘new normal’.

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Week #1 with Eline de Vries, Founder of #ITSMYDRIVE
Tune into the first episode of our brand new podcast series - available now. Turn up the volume as we talk to ITSMYDRIVE founder and entrepreneur, Eline de Vries, on discovering the essential role of transport in making the world go round, and how the coronavirus pandemic set the wheels in motion for change to improve conditions for truckers - one that’s been long overdue.
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