Unveiling the transportation management platform

Transporeon commits to digitizing supply chains the world over with a comprehensive and end-to-end platform for transportation management and execution

At Transporeon we’ve always been proud to do things a little differently. While the market is accustomed to solutions focusing on business logic first, we forged a different path. We instead built a comprehensive shipper-carrier network with Transportation Management functionality integrated into it.

That’s why we’ve recently spent more than €70M in bringing deeper innovation to this approach to freight management and execution by developing the world’s most advanced Transportation Management Platform. In combining the existing capabilities of Transporeon with Sixfold and TNX with the new solutions of Nexogen, Supplystack and Logit One we can now offer shippers, carriers and retailers a comprehensive platform that supercharges their transportation processes.

The modern world economy is digitally connected and for too long the logistics industry has lagged behind. In many cases, shippers, carriers and retailers execute thousands of business critical loads without digital support. They still rely on gut feelings and past experience instead of data for decision making, which causes some big problems. For one it means that they can't proactively deal with incidents or unforeseen situations as they occur. The lack of digitized communication chains also leads to entirely preventable process breaks, misunderstandings, delays and other disruptions.

This dependency on analogue operations in logistics has led to substantial waste and missed opportunities. We estimate that empty runs, idle capacity, waiting times and inefficient planning & execution make up approximately 30% of all waste in global transportation processes. In just the European FTL market alone, this translates to roughly €60bn p.a., and that doesn't even take into account the ecological damage caused by unnecessarily high CO2 emissions. There is no doubt that alternative sources of energy, autonomous driving and other even more infrastructure-dependent technologies will help us to tackle these issues. There is however no need to wait for these technologies to become available on a broader scale. With an adequate digitization of processes, we can tackle all the issues and challenges mentioned before right away. So why wait?

Transporeon’s Transportation Management Platform lets you solve these problems in a way fit for the 21st century. We have created a modular, agnostic, digital platform that increases your interoperability with other supply chain partners in the market, based on data and real-time insights.

Our modular approach allows all logistics companies to select from a wide range of products according to their business needs. If your business-critical area is yard management, but you already have real-time visibility handled, then we want to help you seamlessly adopt a solution that solves that problem. Without any need to adopt unnecessary solutions. If you as a shipper deploy a fully fledged TMS system that fully optimizes your transports, you can easily connect and execute your transport flows over the largest community of carriers with full digital support. If your ERP system produces deliveries and shipments, you can use our services to define transports and select the best carrier for your execution. Whomever you are, whatever freight problem you have, we will find a fast and efficient way to connect to your processes and help you bridge into the digital world of transport execution.

Our platform is also designed to give you the confidence in making decisions that build resilience or fuel growth. By offering a data-driven approach we can help you understand and use your data to make decisions more sensibly. We want to strengthen that position further by giving you real-time access to industry market intelligence and benchmarking to improve your competitive advantage. All our processes run on real-time data and visibility. This keeps supply chains flexible and agile, empowering all users to adapt and respond to on-the-ground events as they happen in a proactive way.

Nestlé faced many of these same problems. Before Transporeon, they were reliant on analogue processes and technologies like emails and Excels to manage incredibly complex operations. With a single platform to cover transport assignment, slot booking, RTV, costs and freight settlement they were able to deliver real returns. This included freight cost savings, seamless communications with hauliers, and a better customer service experience.

The Transporeon Transportation Management Platform is fully equipped to meet modern supply chain needs. Our robust capabilities include, market intelligence, freight procurement, matchmaking & transport execution, dock scheduling, yard management & visibility. To further support this 360° approach to transport procurement and execution, we also provide settlement, payment and audit capabilities. All of this is fully deployable across the globe for continent-spanning multi-modal coverage that can handle any load.

With over 1300 industrial shippers, more than 100 large retailers, and more than 130,000 carriers on our digital freight platform, we are driven to provide industry best digital process efficiency in logistics. Our goal is to help all stakeholders to see benefits in their sustainability, resilience, innovations and growth. At Transporeon, we are bringing your transportation in sync with the world.

About the author

Since 12 November 2019, Stephan has been CEO of Transporeon. His professional focus has always been to use his wealth of experience to help organisations grow – and that is also his goal at Transporeon. Stephan spent 13 years working for SAP, including his role as managing director of SAP Switzerland and as chief operating officer for the DACH region. After his time at SAP, Stephan successfully shaped the development of ERP provider Unit4 over a period of five years, three of which as CEO with responsibility for more than 4,000 employees. Stephan holds an MBA from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.

“Here at Transporeon, an amazing team is working together towards one goal: finally bring transportation in sync with the world. The transport industry significantly lags behind when it comes to digitalization which means idle capacity, empty runs & long waiting hours. This accounts for 30% of all waste in global transport processes, and yet it's completely avoidable. This is why we are constantly developing and operating the most modern and powerful transportation management platform on the market. More than 1,300 industrial companies, 100 large retailers and 130,000 carriers have joined the strongest real-time enabled transport network in the world, and we're just getting started. Being part of Transporeon and realising these opportunities together with my colleagues, our customers and partners is an exciting and privileged mission.”

Our solutions for your transport and logistic needs.

Visibility Hub


  • Reduce check calls and automate processes.
  • Increase performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce wait and dwell times with more accurate ETAs.
  • Increase your on-time performance and avoid penalties  
  • Reduce CO2 emissions and empty mileage.

Freight Audit and Payment Hub


  • Pre-fill and validate fields from the Transporeon platform.
  • Easily transfer documents to ERP systems via the interface.
  • All relevant parties maintain access to the latest versions of all documents.
  • Get automatic reminders and notifications for requirements documents.
  • Instantaneous and traceable digital transmission of all documents.

Transport Execution Hub

Attachment Services

Attachment Services
  • Pre-fill and validate fields from the Transporeon platform
  • Easily transfer documents to ERP systems via the interface
  • All relevant parties maintain access to the latest versions of all documents
  • Get automatic reminders and notifications for requirements documents
  • Instantaneous and traceable digital transmission of all documents

Freight Sourcing Hub

Autonomous Procurement

Autonomous Procurement
  • Automates procurement using data and behavioural science.
  • Analyses how carriers make pricing decisions.
  • Achieves requested capacity at lower freight rates for road transports.
  • Fully automated process of predicting, framing offers, and concluding assignments.
  • Entirely carrier specific and automated process.

Transport Execution Hub

Best Carrier

Best Carrier
  • Access the spot market more easily.
  • Cut transaction costs by up to 19%.
  • React quickly to market fluctuations.
  • Improve process efficiency with better integrations.
  • Cloud-based system provides real-time transparency.

Freight Sourcing Hub

Carrier Premium Account

Carrier Premium Account
  • Apply for suitable calls for bids with one click and win new customers.
  • Make your business known on the platform and in the service provider database.
  • Clear distribution of competencies and tasks between Head Office and Branch Office.
  • Optimize internal processes through additional functions and reports.

Dock & Yard Management Hub

Digital Transport Documents

Digital Transport Documents
  • Paperless management of the consignment note through all involved parties
  • Easy usage due to conveniently comment and signing of the eCMR on a mobile device
  • Provide the eCMR in real time via Transporeon platform plus additional communication channels

Platform Capabilities

ERP Interfaces

ERP Interfaces
  • Integrate the Transporeon platform into your ERP system using the ERP interfaces.
  • Stay within your ERP system while using the full-service power of the integrated Transporeon platform.

Transport Execution Hub

Event Management

Event Management
  • Track transports from collection to end-point delivery with digital event management.
  • Events can be defined and provided to customer needs.
  • View actual delivery status and trigger subsequent processes.
  • Reliable information about time of arrival for all parties.
  • Enable proactive reactions or automated platform based mitigation tasks.

Dock & Yard Management Hub

Extended Yard Management powered by Peripass

Extended Yard Management powered by Peripass
  • Reduce manual efforts by digitising the registration process.
  • Save on reception costs and reduce waiting times.
  • Keep an overview of your site and how capacity is used.
  • Shorten lead times, increase volumes and reduce waiting costs by 85%.
  • Get a real-time overview of all trucks, containers, trailers etc on site.
  • Centralise and digitise the operations of shunters, forklift and truck drivers and security personnel on site.

Freight Audit & Payment Hub

Freight Audit

Freight Audit
  • Full visibility of process, data and carrier performance.
  • Logistics should no longer deal with invoicing.
  • Underbilling is reported.
  • Receives alerts about rejection/approval.
  • Cost allocation of freight audit costs are automated.

Transport Execution Hub

Freight Matching

Freight Matching
  • Maximize profitability and productivity by equipping your teams to utilize available capacity opportunities within your trusted network, faster.
  • Enable your carriers to realize their full potential by matching with the loads that are right for them.
  • Manage your carrier relationships with more transparency from increased number of data points.
  • Stay in control of your shipments and provide end-to-end visibility to your customers, and eradicate check calls.
  • Reduce manual effort, and increase accuracy with full digitalization.

Freight Sourcing Hub

Freight Procurement

Freight Procurement
  • Smart purchasing strategy.
  • Achieve optimum freight rates.
  • Reduce administrative effort and costs.
  • Find suitable partners worldwide.
  • Audit-proof the tendering process.

Freight Sourcing Hub

Procurement Advisory

Procurement Advisory
  • Save up to 19% on freight costs.
  • Save 30% on administrative effort with e-sourcing.
  • Use only quality-approved data for tender processes and RFQ events.
  • Ensure 100% compliance with tendering processes.

Freight Audit & Payment Hub

Freight Settlement

Freight Settlement
  • Save time by resolving billing issues before the invoice is sent.
  • Simplified control of individual invoice items.
  • All settlement transactions are displayed in their entirety to provide complete transparency.
  • Company-wide and standardized coordination process.
  • Can be also used as stand-alone-solution also compatible with other products.

Insights Hub

Market Insights

Market Insights
  • Monitor the contractually agreed rates between shippers, logistic service providers, and the spot market.
  • Use important "indirect" indicators to illustrate the capacity situation on any given lane or market.
  • Define the lanes and metrics that you want to monitor.
  • Get a clear overview of the biggest market changes and top movers.

Freight Sourcing Hub

Strategic Benchmarking

Strategic Benchmarking
  • Persistent freight cost savings with up to 8% with our state of art benchmarking approach.
  • Get the most comprehensive overview of all markets and for all modes.
  • Profit from insights into latest market developments & forecasts.
  • Get a deeper understanding of rate developments & costs drivers.
  • Receive regular information with market overviews, developments, cost drivers.

Transport Execution Hub

No-Touch Order

No-Touch Order
  • Automated shipment execution processes.
  • Fewer empty runs.
  • Cut process costs by up to 30%.

Transport Execution Hub

Rate Management

Rate Management
  • All freight rates and freight contracts in one centralized database.
  • Rate query engine factors in multiple currencies, surcharges and total chargeable cost per available carrier.
  • Optimization of inquiry processes and better usage of internal resources.
  • Fully integrated process of assigning transports and management of rates in an organization.
  • Centralized interfaces and import/export functions.

Visibility Hub

Real Time Workflow

Real Time Workflow
  • Less labor-intensive solution due to electronic workflows and paperless management of transport documents.
  • Integration of drivers into the digital workflow.
  • Immediate updates about status changes and shipping stages of the goods to be delivered.
  • Photographic documentation of transport damage and proof of cargo safety.

Dock & Yard Management Hub

Real-Time Yard Management

Real-Time Yard Management
  • Improve overall visibility and ability to predict changes.
  • Combine yard, transport, and warehouse management.
  • Automate arrivals, check-ins, and call-offs.
  • Avoid costs and fees caused by idle and inefficient processes.
  • Monitor, measure, and improve KPIs.

Dock & Yard Management Hub

Time Slot Management for Retail

Time Slot Management for Retail
  • Increase handling capacity by up to 20%
  • Reduce driver wait times by up to 40%
  • Shorten loading times by up to 60 minutes
  • Audit and legal security
  • Completely documented processes

Platform Capabilities

SAP Add-on

SAP Add-on
  • The SAP Add Ons integrates all Transporeon functionalities without a need for interfaces or middleware into the SAP ERP system.
  • Benefit from the Transporeon UX within your standard SAP system.

Market Intelligence & Benchmarking

Supply Chain Advisory

Supply Chain Advisory
  • Know-How from more than 1,700 supply chain projects and 25+ years of experience 
  • Gain full global network transparency  
  • Achieve cost savings through supply chain optimization
  • Support for all phases, from conception to implementation into your supply chain
  • Deep knowledge of all modes of transport
  • Specialized Benchmarks with proven Market Intelligence methodology