Transportation Pulse Report 2024

Prepare for dark clouds
on the horizon

Automation, real-time insights, and collaboration point the way forward in transportation management.

This year’s Pulse Report highlights several supply chain and logistics trends, which will transform the industry in the years ahead. 

Read the report to find out why automation, real-time insights and collaboration are more important than ever for companies to prepare and respond effectively.

Industry analyst and trusted partner Adrian Gonzalez, Founder of Talking Logistics and President of Adelante SCM, has curated a comprehensive view of the industry's trajectory, using insights gained from interviews with industry leaders at Transporeon Summit 2023.

Find out what the likes of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG, Refresco, Etex, Essity, Girteka Group and IntegreTrans have to say about the latest trends.

In addition, we received more than 200 respondents to a web survey we conducted with Indago research community members and Transporeon’s shipper and carrier community.

Key topics:

  • Automating carrier selection and booking;
  • Digitalising document generation and distribution;
  • CO2 Emissions Calculation;
  • Business benefits of real-time insights and data-driven decisions;
  • The difference between collaboration and cooperation.


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Prepare your umbrella before it rains!

Malay Proverb


Excerpt from the report

What are the most important factors for creating a successful collaborative relationship?

We explored that question in our survey with Indago members and Transporeon’s shipper and carrier community. The top factor for creating a successful collaborative relationship is “The parties trust each other” as selected by 71% of the respondents. “The parties communicate regularly with each other” (47%) ranked second and “The parties share required data with each other” (37%) ranked third.

As one Indago supply chain executive explained: “Collaboration requires a much bigger commitment than cooperation, it requires time together spent mapping end-to-end processes, data sharing and analytics. Trust, similar cultures, shared objectives, and executive commitment are also necessary for collaboration.”

Expert interviews

Insights from leading shipper and carrier executives

At Transporeon Summit 2023, we asked industry leaders a number of questions on a variety of topics, including automation, real-time insights, procurement and the role of people in our industry, moving forward.

Watch the videos to find what they said:

  • thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG: Torben Beyhoff, Head of Land Transport;
  • Refresco: Patrick Pohl, Customer Service and Transportation Manager;
  • Etex: Ian Mears, Transport & Distribution Manager;
  • Essity: Denis Dewerdt, Global Procurement Manager;
  • Girteka Group: Martynas Sarapinas, Chief Information Officer & Executive Board Member;
  • IntegreTrans: Winfried Netzer, Branch Manager.


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Don’t wait for the thunder: prepare for dark clouds on the horizon!

Take a deep dive into the supply chain and logistics trends that are set to reshape our industry’s future.

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