Agropur masters freight rates for better cost control

About Agropur Cooperative

Agropur Cooperative is a North American dairy industry leader founded in 1938. It is owned by 3,345 dairy farmers who joined forces to process and market their high-quality milk. Agropur uses this milk to create a wide range of dairy products and strong brands.

Part of this Cooperative is Agropur Ingredients, which is a global supplier of ingredients and services, developed to help its partners succeed in food, beverage and nutritional industries. Whether sourcing ingredients or offering finished products, Agropur Ingredients has vast expertise in health, wellness and functional applications. 

Our ingredients division has a global reach, with 75 percent of its products sold and shipped to countries outside of the United States.

Transporeon offered a service we were in desperate need of, for a good price. It has greatly improved our processes and reduced our capacity risk, even in this current challenging environment.

Sean Smith,

Supply Chain Director,

The challenge

The Cooperative’s traditional approach to freight assignment simply wasn’t working. Manual methods of requesting and analyzing freight rates meant that they were unable to carry out large-scale RFPs. As a result, carriers were dictating rates on a shipment-by-shipment basis.

It was also hard to predict deliveries, due to a lack of dock scheduling and wasted time and resources on calls and emails.

The solution

Agropur needed a fully automated solution that would streamline the bid process, save them time and money and enable them to schedule deliveries. They turned to Transporeon’s platform for all their needs.

The results

Transporeon’s Freight Procurement coupled with Rate Management, enabled a seamless bid process and more control over rates, leading to massive cost savings. In addition, Transport Execution made freight assignment a smoother ride, by empowering Agropur to stick to the rates agreed upon during the RFP process.

Deliveries can now be predicted, as carriers can schedule and maintain their own appointments, thanks to Time Slot Management.

Facts and figures

  • 13 billion pounds of milk per year 

  • 39 plants across North America 

  • Sales of nearly $6.0 billion in 2016

  • 3,345 members 

  • 8,000 employees

Interested in knowing more? Get in touch with us:

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Explore our digital freight solutions

Together our products work in harmony to increase transport efficiency along the full lifecycle of freight activities.

Freight Sourcing Hub

Autonomous Procurement

Autonomous Procurement
  • Automates procurement using data and behavioural science.
  • Analyses how carriers make pricing decisions.
  • Achieves requested capacity at lower freight rates for road transports.
  • Fully automated process of predicting, framing offers, and concluding assignments.
  • Entirely carrier specific and automated process.

Insights Hub

Market Insights

Market Insights
  • Monitor the contractually agreed rates between shippers, logistic service providers, and the spot market.
  • Use important "indirect" indicators to illustrate the capacity situation on any given lane or market.
  • Define the lanes and metrics that you want to monitor.
  • Get a clear overview of the biggest market changes and top movers.

Freight Sourcing Hub

Freight Procurement

Freight Procurement
  • Smart purchasing strategy.
  • Achieve optimum freight rates.
  • Reduce administrative effort and costs.
  • Find suitable partners worldwide.
  • Audit-proof the tendering process.

Freight Sourcing Hub

Procurement Advisory

Procurement Advisory
  • Save up to 19% on freight costs.
  • Save 30% on administrative effort with e-sourcing.
  • Use only quality-approved data for tender processes and RFQ events.
  • Ensure 100% compliance with tendering processes.