Take control of your yard — in real time

Why Real Time Yard Management? 

Real Time Yard Management offers visibility into the yard and provides an overview of the whole system. Warehouse Managers, Loading Supervisors, and workers can all view the entire process instead of only seeing their own part. Potential delays can be identified earlier, helping improve total efficiency. Our holistic solution includes the functionality of a Transport Management System, Dock Scheduling (Time Slot Management), Yard Management, and Yard Automation — all boosted by Real Time Transportation Visibility.

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Re-plan on the go

Our new Re-planning feature, now available to all Real-Time Yard Management users, enables Warehouse Managers or Loading Supervisors to react on short-term changes at the day of delivery or pickup. 

Short term changes — trucks arriving too early or too late, broken loading resources, or unusable resources — can have a big impact on overall yard efficiency. Now it’s possible to re-plan scheduled bookings to another time slot and/or location. 

The result? The reduction of costy wait times, inefficient use of personnel, poorly synchronized assets, and ineffective dock planning. 

Get started today and use real-time data to improve your yard efficiency and exception handling.

Enable this feature today

As an existing TSM customer, using the new re-planning feature for Real-Time Yard Management is easy. To get started, you must first define user rights to let us know who should have access to this powerful new functionality.

Send us a request for user rights updates in our Help Center, and we’ll help you get started right away.

If you’re a new customer, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


Benefits for your business

Infuse your Yard Management with real time data and see major improvements in your end-to-end visibility.


Better Planning

Better Planning
  • Look ahead to the next crucial task to be done.
  • Work proactively instead of reactively.
  • Avoid surprises.


Overview and Visualization

Overview and Visualization
  • Get a full overview of the complete warehouse and all processes.
  • Quickly see all waiting, processing and departed vehicles.


Active Alert System

Active Alert System
  • Ensure everything is running smoothly with proper asset utilization.
  • Reduce idle dock labour and rental.
  • Avoid mistakes with proactive alerts to any problems or deviations.


Easy Planning

Easy Planning
  • Optimize your workflows with easy problem solving.
  • Easily change your plan with drag and drop tools.
  • Automate reactions to short term changes.


Improved Analysis

Improved Analysis
  • Eliminate bad communication with drivers.
  • Create reliable and traceable documentation flow.
  • Improve KPIs and analysis.

Facts and figures

reduction in waiting times
of trucks that arrive "on-time" to their booked time slots actually arrive extremely early.

Primary features

Schematic map visualization

Get a complete overview of your current yard situation, including all approaching, waiting and processing trucks. Keep control with a full overview of the complete warehouse and all processes.

Rule-based planning

Automate reactions to short-term changes to ensure that capacities are utilized equally and strong peaks and troughs are flattened.

Full yard monitoring

Get clear data aggregation across all processes from road to bay about the utilization of resources and bottlenecks. See an overview of all on-site events and real-time statuses.

Proactive updates and notifications

Get early information about arrival times and any possible deviations from schedule to support loading and unloading processes.

Integration of yard automation solutions

Third party software and applications (e.g. mobile apps for yard workers or shunters) can be integrated into our Real Time Yard Management as a supplying party.

Interface to yard hardware

All functions of third party systems (e.g. check-in terminals, pager, licence plate scanner, RFID reader) can be integrated into our system landscape.

Get a complete overview of your current yard situation, including all approaching, waiting and processing trucks. Keep control with a full overview of the complete warehouse and all processes.

Automate reactions to short-term changes to ensure that capacities are utilized equally and strong peaks and troughs are flattened.

Get clear data aggregation across all processes from road to bay about the utilization of resources and bottlenecks. See an overview of all on-site events and real-time statuses.

Get early information about arrival times and any possible deviations from schedule to support loading and unloading processes.

Third party software and applications (e.g. mobile apps for yard workers or shunters) can be integrated into our Real Time Yard Management as a supplying party.

All functions of third party systems (e.g. check-in terminals, pager, licence plate scanner, RFID reader) can be integrated into our system landscape.


How does your yard measure up?

Get a free health check on the state of your operations with our Dock Scheduling Assessment and level up your yard management. Answer four short questions and get personalized recommendations, including how to decrease waiting times, reduce manual effort, avoid demurrage costs, and more.


What our clients say 

Real Time Yard Management (RTYM) is our newest application, designed to give you an up-to-date overview of all of the crucial tasks that need to be done in your yard — in real time. 

We now know in advance which vehicle is coming, at which time and for which destination. This is a huge advantage for us, because we have now created transparency in raw materials delivery and in shipping.

Volker Wollschläger
Logistics Manager, Smurfit Kappa

Want to know more about this solution? Get in touch with us:

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Explore more of our digital freight solutions

Together our products work in harmony to increase transport efficiency along the full lifecycle of freight activities.

Dock & Yard Management Hub

Time Slot Management for Retail

Time Slot Management for Retail
  • Increase handling capacity by up to 20%
  • Reduce driver wait times by up to 40%
  • Shorten loading times by up to 60 minutes
  • Audit and legal security
  • Completely documented processes

Dock & Yard Management Hub

Extended Yard Management powered by Peripass

Extended Yard Management powered by Peripass
  • Reduce manual efforts by digitising the registration process.
  • Save on reception costs and reduce waiting times.
  • Keep an overview of your site and how capacity is used.
  • Shorten lead times, increase volumes and reduce waiting costs by 85%.
  • Get a real-time overview of all trucks, containers, trailers etc on site.
  • Centralise and digitise the operations of shunters, forklift and truck drivers and security personnel on site.

Visibility Hub


  • Reduce check calls and automate processes.
  • Increase performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce wait and dwell times with more accurate ETAs.
  • Increase your on-time performance and avoid penalties.  
  • Reduce CO2 emissions and empty mileage.

Transporeon Visibility

Real Time Workflow

Real Time Workflow
  • Less labor-intensive solution due to electronic workflows and paperless management of transport documents.
  • Integration of drivers into the digital workflow.
  • Immediate updates about status changes and shipping stages of the goods to be delivered.
  • Photographic documentation of transport damage and proof of cargo safety.