The Road Ahead

Key trends and capabilities shaping
the North American freight transportation market

Predicting what happens in the market is impossible, but planning for it isn't.

The supply and demand chain is a complex web across the world. As multiple business leaders recognise the severity of the ‘freight recession’, no one can simply sit still. Learn more about what is triggering market conditions in North America, which key capabilities companies will need to effectively manage their transportation operations moving forward, and stay up to date with important industry trends that shippers and carriers must factor into their strategies and objectives.

Get access to real-life insights shared by the likes of Anheuser-Busch and RPM Logistics on implementing solutions to turbo-boost operational efficiency, and take the pain out of traditional procurement processes.

Authored by Adrian Gonzalez, findings and contributions featured in the report include responses from Indago research community members, all of whom are supply chain and logistics executives from manufacturing, retail, and distribution companies, as well as Transporeon’s shipper and carrier community. 

Key topics:

  • Market snapshot: current state of the sector in North America;

  • Industry trends: nearshoring, sustainability, California’s AB5 and freight fraud;

  • Smarter ways of matching loads with capacity;

  • Enhanced transport visibility;

  • Decision-making supported by data.


Excerpt from the report

In addition to navigating the ebbs and flow of market conditions, shippers and carriers must also factor a variety of important trends into their strategies and operations.

In a May 2024 survey, Indago members and Transporeon shipper and carrier clients were asked, “Which trends do you believe will have the greatest impact on freight transportation over the next 3 years?” Of the list of options provided, “Driver Shortage” topped the list amongst all respondents, followed by “Artificial Intelligence,” “Sustainability Laws/Regulations,” and “Nearshoring.”

While their lists and rankings might differ, it’s clear that the road ahead for shippers and carriers will be paved with a lot of changes, challenges, and opportunities.


Embracing new technologies

Transportation management platforms are a key enabler for collaboration. They are the business equivalent of Facebook and LinkedIn; industry networks that connect shippers, carriers, logistics service providers, and other stakeholders with each other, enabling them to communicate, collaborate, and execute business processes in more efficient, scalable, and innovative ways.

Collectively, these platform elements break down the silos that currently exist between trading partners, processes, and applications. They also help overcome the barriers to collaboration to eliminate waste (e.g., empty miles), reduce costs (e.g., detention fees), and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Smart Solutions for Freight Challenges in North America

August 15, 2024, 11:00AM - 12:00PM ET (Eastern Time) / 08:00AM - 9:00AM PT (Pacific Time)