Global end-to-end visibility for your business

Real time visibility can turbo boost processes by providing the access to the right data, at the right time, and to the right people. Knowledge is power, so not only do you have full insight into what’s going on, you have the power to action these insights to transform your operations.

Global end-to-end visibility for your supply chain


A network with over 145K carriers gives you immediate access to reliable real-time information about all your shipments that are on the road.


Gain control and know where your ocean containers are, be informed before things go wrong and provide a higher quality service to your customers through the help of ocean visibility.


Track your rail shipments together with road shipments in a single platform to drive on-time delivery.


Transporeon provides end-to-end visibility across your supply chain by incorporating multiple legs across various modes of a shipment’s journey into an end-to-end view from the initial pickup to the final destination.


Track your air freight detaills as our technology helps you gain real-time visibility into deliveries over API integrations.


Our technology helps you gain real-time visibility into last-mile deliveries by API integrations.

A network with over 145K carriers gives you immediate access to reliable real-time information about all your shipments that are on the road.

Gain control and know where your ocean containers are, be informed before things go wrong and provide a higher quality service to your customers through the help of ocean visibility.

Track your rail shipments together with road shipments in a single platform to drive on-time delivery.

Transporeon provides end-to-end visibility across your supply chain by incorporating multiple legs across various modes of a shipment’s journey into an end-to-end view from the initial pickup to the final destination.

Track your air freight detaills as our technology helps you gain real-time visibility into deliveries over API integrations.

Our technology helps you gain real-time visibility into last-mile deliveries by API integrations.

Facts and Figures

telematics market covered.
carriers already in the network.

Generating competitive advantage with Transportation Management Platform

Real-time visibility on its own is important for tracking shipments and orders with the highest levels of accuracy and predictive insights. Transporeon goes a step further in using this real-time visibility data to power a wider range of services and modules through the Transporeon Transportation Management Platform.

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Check our shipper visibility products

Our growing range of products work harmoniously to increase efficiency throughout the full lifecycle of visibility activities.

Dock & Yard Management Hub

Time Slot Management

Time Slot Management
  • Los procesos optimizados ahorran tiempo y liberan recursos para ocupar y vaciar otros vehículos.
  • Reduzca los tiempos de espera de los conductores hasta en un 40 %.
  • Los vehículos pesados llegan a la hora acordada, lo que evita la congestión de tráfico en las instalaciones.
  • Las citas de carga y descarga pueden ajustarse con precisión para acelerar los procesos y los tiempos de tramitación.
  • Distribución constante y planificada de la llegada de vehículos: los recursos y la mercancía pueden estar listos en el momento adecuado.

Dock & Yard Management Hub

Real Time Yard Management

Real Time Yard Management
  • Aumente la visibilidad y la predictibilidad.
  • Combine la gestión del almacén y del transporte.
  • Automatice la llegada, registro y retirada.
  • Evite los costes causados por procesos inactivos e improductivos.
  • Supervise, mida y mejore el soporte de los KPI.

Visibility Hub

Real Time Workflow

Real Time Workflow
  • Solución que requiere menos mano de obra gracias a sus flujos de trabajo electrónicos y a la gestión sin papel de los documentos de transporte.
  • Integración de los conductores en el flujo digital de trabajo.
  • Actualizaciones inmediatas de los cambios de estado y las etapas de envío de las mercancías a entregar.
  • Documentación fotográfica de los daños durante el transporte y prueba de la seguridad de la carga.

Dock & Yard Management Hub

Digital Transport Documents

Digital Transport Documents
  • Gestión sin papel de los albaranes de carga para todas las partes implicadas.
  • Facilidad de uso gracias a la comodidad para comentar y firmar la eCMR desde cualquier dispositivo móvil.
  • Proporcione el eCMR en tiempo real mediante la plataforma Transporeon y otros canales de comunicación.

Trusted by the most recognized brands

What our customers say about us

Providing customers with accurate and reliable information on deliveries reduced calls with 50% almost immediately. We very much look forward to the next steps in this journey.

Trevor Johnson

Logistics Performance Manager Europe, Shell

Para Rehau, Real-Time Visibility nos ofrece una visión completa de nuestra red y nos permite saber en cualquier momento qué camiones están listos para ser cargados o descargados en la planta, lo que nos permite trabajar a máxima capacidad y utilizar las operaciones de nuestras instalaciones de forma eficaz.
Director de Logística del Reino Unido, Knauf UK

Tobias Klein

Director de Cadena de Suministro, Rehau

El mapa de tiempos de paso de camiones de Sixfold lo utilizan miles de profesionales del sector. Estoy seguro de que ayudará a crear la visibilidad necesaria, a tomar mejores decisiones operativas y a contribuir a solucionar las congestiones. Todo ello es necesario para garantizar la disponibilidad de los productos en las estanterías, a pesar de los desafíos que plantea la COVID-19.

Sergiy Yablonskiy,

Director de Producto de Transporte, Nestlé

La colaboración de Transporeon y Sixfold supone la combinación perfecta para lograr nuestro objetivo de un proceso totalmente transparente desde el pedido hasta la entrega.

Brian Moran,
Director de Logística del Reino Unido,

Knauf Reino Unido


Watch our on-demand demo

To help you find the right visibility tool for your business, we’ve made a couple of snappy demo videos that will walk you through our products. Learn about our features whenever it’s convenient, or when you’re waiting for a late shipment to arrive.

Want to know more about this solution?

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