Your Guide to Market Insights

Get the most out of the biggest transport data set in Europe for pricing and procurement

07/18/2023 | 4 min

In an era of unprecedented market instability and uncertainty, staying informed is the key to success. The world we inhabit is plagued by events like war, geopolitical tensions, and inflation, all of which significantly impact market dynamics. In these challenging times, what if there was a tool that could empower you to monitor the market, make informed decisions, and thrive? 

That’s exactly where Transporeon Market Insights delivers —the ultimate superpower for shippers, carriers, and LSPs. Harnessing the largest transport dataset in Europe, Market Insights provides real-time, in-depth market analysis, enabling you to delve deeper into markets, lanes, and their development over time. It's the secret weapon that empowers you to make smarter pricing and procurement decisions, propelling business ahead of the competition.

Feel the pulse of the market: your journey begins here

To best illustrate the benefits of Market Insights and show how to maximise its value, check out Your Guide to Market Insights. This video explainer series serves as a compass for understanding how to use the platform and how to exploit the immense potential of market data as part of a winning procurement strategy.  

What will you learn in the videos?  

1. How to gain access to an in-depth analysis of markets, rates and costs 

Each and every one of the platform’s powerful features are covered in detail in this set of videos. Divided into three themes – Markets, Rates, and Costs – simply watch, absorb, and begin conquering the market. 

Part 1 focusing on Markets, provides a high-level overview of the European FTL market, based on KPIs such as Capacity Index, three price indices and Cost Index.

Part 2 unlocks the secrets of Rate and Lane overviews, which allow a focused analysis of the spot and contract rates and their development on lane-level over time. With this information, it’s easy to see how much the spot rate differs from the contract rate, and vice versa, and how both rates have increased and decreased over time. 

Part 3 unpicks Costs and explains a Total Cost of Ownership model showing the development of costs for carriers on both a European and lane level. When you choose the Market Costs view, you’ll see the Cost Index as a weighted average of the largest 70 lanes in Europe.

2. How to assess which lane combinations perform better

Lane Overview provides unprecedented visibility on lanes based on a country-country combination, which can be analysed based on 2 main parameters – pricing and capacity. With access to this kind of data, shippers can easily decide on which lanes to pursue and when. Carriers on the other hand, can use it for optimising their pricing strategy according to market conditions.

3. How to make your spot bidding strategy more efficient

Thanks to the Rate on Demand feature, predicting all-in buy rates for FTL transports on the spot market has never been easier. Simply fill out a set of basic transport parameters, such as postal codes, loading and unloading dates and times, weight, vehicle type or industry, and make more informed decisions based on instant results.

4. How to track transport costs across Europe and by lane

The Costs feature provides a full overview of the five most significant costs that influence fleet operations, including: service costs, tolls, vehicle maintenance, diesel rates, and driver salaries. Armed with this kind of data, both shippers and carriers can navigate current market conditions, plan strategically, and maintain competitive advantage.


Unlock data’s highest potential

  • The market can change at the drop of a hat, but you can make a consistent choice to stay informed no matter what. Try Market Insights and you’ll be amazed by the impact that highly accurate data can have on your pricing and procurement strategy.
  • Watch the video series to get a better understanding of how to use the platform and start unlocking data’s highest potential today.

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Curious to find out what difference Market Insights can make for your business?
Watch our video series to find out.

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Explore our digital freight solutions

Together our products work in harmony to increase transport efficiency along the full lifecycle of freight activities.

Insights Hub

Market Insights

Market Insights
  • Monitor the contractually agreed rates between shippers, logistic service providers, and the spot market.
  • Use important "indirect" indicators to illustrate the capacity situation on any given lane or market.
  • Define the lanes and metrics that you want to monitor.
  • Get a clear overview of the biggest market changes and top movers.

Freight Sourcing Hub

Autonomous Procurement

Autonomous Procurement
  • Automates procurement using data and behavioural science.
  • Analyses how carriers make pricing decisions.
  • Achieves requested capacity at lower freight rates for road transports.
  • Fully automated process of predicting, framing offers, and concluding assignments.
  • Entirely carrier specific and automated process.

Freight Audit & Payment Hub

Freight Audit

Freight Audit
  • Full visibility of process, data and carrier performance.
  • Logistics should no longer deal with invoicing.
  • Underbilling is reported.
  • Receives alerts about rejection/approval.
  • Cost allocation of freight audit costs are automated.

Freight Sourcing Hub

Strategic Benchmarking

Strategic Benchmarking
  • Persistent freight cost savings with up to 8% with our state of art benchmarking approach.
  • Get the most comprehensive overview of all markets and for all modes.
  • Profit from insights into latest market developments & forecasts.
  • Get a deeper understanding of rate developments & costs drivers.
  • Receive regular information with market overviews, developments, cost drivers.