
Gain a competitive edge with transportation management platform

We live in a world that is digitally connected and digitally enhanced, so it makes sense that this would also apply to the logistics industry. Despite the growing presence of digitalisation, it is not quite commonplace yet and many shippers, carriers and retailers are struggling to make data-driven decisions as aggregating data from many disparate sources has been challenging. 

At the current pace, transportation freight emissions will more than double by 2050 if we do not take a stand to drive green business practices. Transporeon research revealed that empty runs, idle capacity, waiting times and inefficient planning and execution make up approximately 30% of all waste in global transportation processes. When we look at the European FTL market, this means around €60bn p.a. is wasted – and this is before considering damage caused by high CO2 emissions.  

But for every problem there is always a solution. Or in this case, a two-pronged solution: Once embedded into your transport management platform, real-time visibility (RTV) can turbo boost processes by providing the access to the right data, at the right time, and to the right people. Knowledge is power, so not only do you have full insight into what’s going on, you have the power to action these insights to transform your operations.  

Visibility is one piece of the puzzle

Having access to real-time information is essential for shippers, carriers and LSPs but there is a huge difference between just seeing what's happening, and actually using that knowledge. That's why RTV really shines when it is used in combination with transport management modules.  

The use of RTV within the transport management platform provides end-to-end visibility in real-time for complex transports. This works in combination with other modules such as time slot management, yard management and matchmaking & dock scheduling to create more efficient processes. 

Using real-time data also helps to address emissions. Transporeon’s added-service Carbon Visibility makes use of RTV data, such as the actual route taken, and primary data, like the vehicle class used, to provide accurate data on CO2 emissions across all transport modes. This data can be shared with partners via the Transportation Management Platform to make scope 3 emissions reporting automatic and easy for all parties.  

Competitive advantage for your supply chain

Transporeon’s Transportation Management Platform is a comprehensive shipper-carrier network with Transportation Management functionality integrated into it. It is a modular, digital platform that uses data and real-time insights to provide services such as: market intelligence, freight procurement, matchmaking & transport execution, dock scheduling, yard management & visibility. Additional services include settlement, payment and audit capabilities.  

The Transporeon Transportation Management Platform allows users to manage all their transports in one place, regardless of mode. By doing so, users are not restricted by partial tracking and can seamlessly track transports across road, ocean and air.  

Strategic partnerships with Tive and Roambee allow the Transporeon platform to be agnostic, making it easy to implement and to collect transport data across all modes, regardless of whether the carrier is part of the Transporeon platform. This is key to helping improve collaboration with supply chain partners.  

As a result, the Transporeon Transportation Management Platform offers users a 360° approach to transport procurement and execution via a single point of contact with supply chain partners. 

Global end-to-end visibility for your business

Transporeon Visibility Hub offers multimodal real-time transport visibility on one platform. Providing shippers, carriers and LSPs with total oversight of where their shipments are, when they will arrive, and any incidents which need resolving.

Get in touch with us to learn more about the Visibility Hub:

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