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Transport Assignment Assessment

Transport Assignment Assessment

Market shifts, carrier rejection to new lanes, new carrier partners, and contract renegotiation are just some of the many factors that make or break effectiveness of your transport assignment and procurement strategy overall.


If you want to reduce freight spend, manual effort and empty runs, now’s the time to get an evaluation of your current assignment strategy.


You’ll uncover the exact steps you can take straight away to boost your transport assignment and bring it in sync with other logistics functions.

9 steps to leverage the spot market

9 steps to leverage the spot market

This eBook provides a comprehensive overview of the spot freight market and explains how to leverage it to improve your procurement strategy, your transport assignment operations and your business’s bottom line.


Read it now and gain an understanding of:


  • The dynamics of the spot market vs. contracted freight

  • Which lanes to assign via spot market for optimal efficiency

  • The benefits of automating the assignment process


Transportation Pulse Report 2024

Transportation Pulse Report 2024

Prepare for dark clouds on the horizon.


Find out from industry experts why automation, real-time insights and collaboration are more important than ever to prepare and respond effectively to the challenges ahead.


Adrian Gonzalez has curated a comprehensive view of the industry's trajectory, using exclusive insights gained from interviews at Transporeon Summit 2023.


Science-based transportation: shifting the portfolio mix

Science-based transportation: shifting the portfolio mix

Written by Dr. Angela Acocella, a Researcher at Tilburg University School of Economics and Management and the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, this report contains actionable insights, based on scientific research.


Find out:


  • How shippers can identify network segments unsuitable for contracts and strategically opt for spot assignments
  • How alternative contracts like dynamic pricing can outperform traditional fixed-price contracts

Five reasons why your business needs to join the automation revolution

Five reasons why your business needs to join the automation revolution

The spot market has always been a challenging place. Supply chain disruptions, market fragmentation, and pricing uncertainty all contribute to a complex, fluctuating marketplace dominated by manual effort and time-consuming procurement processes.

Dive in to discover how to:

  • Increase productivity by 20% 

  • Achieve average match times of just one to two hours 

  • Reduce costs by 8-12% on average

McKinsey Research Report

McKinsey Research Report

A balancing act: How trucking companies can find the optimal spot/contract mix


Dive in to discover how to:


  • Understand lane differences and make decisions lane by lane, rather than adopting a “one size fits all” approach 

  • Leverage demand forecasting to improve decisions and predict changes in rate differences between spot and contract per lane

Transportation Pulse Report 2023

Transportation Pulse Report 2023

Welcome to the Platform Era.


Bridging the gap between the transportation of today and tomorrow: gain insights into transformational trends, greater collaborations and new platform solutions.


Authored in collaboration with Adrian Gonzalez, Founder of Talking Logistics and President of Adelante SCM, the third edition of our annual Pulse Report is based on the views and experiences of industry leaders from around the world.

Understanding Ocean Freight Handbook

Understanding Ocean Freight Handbook

28 graphs to help you understand the basics of container and maritime transport logistics, including:

  • The basics of container and maritime transport

  • Global container transport networks

  • Ocean carriers and Alliances

  • Rates and contracts

  • Bunker and GHG reduction

Powered by the Network

Powered by the Network

Matching freight demand with capacity is becoming increasingly challenging, especially in today’s volatile environment. Carriers are rejecting up to a quarter of all contract loads, forcing more Shippers into the spot market. The solution to this imbalance is an investment in network-based transport management systems. New technologies make automated freight-matching possible for both Shippers and Carriers at a whole new scale.

This original report includes survey responses from industry insiders and expert analysis from Adrian Gonzalez, President of Adelante SCM. 


Shelves stocked, costs cut

Discover why connectivity is an important variable when talking about competitive advantage in Retail and FMCG companies.


How Freight Matching can increase efficiency for Forwarders and Carriers alike

The roads in Europe are filled with trucks, and it will get even busier with road freight volume expected to rise for years to come.

At the same time, 30% of trucks are moving around empty. 20% of these trucks are completely empty, while the remaining 10% is divided across partly empty trucks. There is literally a tonne (or thousands of tonnes) of room for improvement.


The ABC of Freight Matching

Will Freight Matching help me manage my network more efficiently?

Transporeon Freight Matching has been built and designed to help you make the most out of your carrier network and interact with your trusted business partners in a safe and digital environment. It reduces the number of manual interactions and brings more efficiency to your daily operations.


Four steps to smart transport assignment and execution

The way we use the spot market has changed. Get smarter about how you plan and execute transports with a highly flexible assignment strategy. Work your way through our four simple steps to define your perfect mix of contract volumes and spot buying.


We asked our customers: Why spot?

Leading industry players explain why and how strategically managing spot freight is crucial in the current volatile market scenario.

Transform Talks: How to leverage platform innovations to overcome Supply Chain Challenges

Transporeon CEO Stephan Sieber is a guest on the #1 podcast for all aspects of supply chain, manufacturing, logistics and business transformation. Tune in to learn more about Stephan’s background and how he uses his many years of professional experience to grow Transporeon's global freight network and how the platform is set to transform and solve supply chain challenges.

min left

Transform Talks: The Supply Chain Transformation Podcast

Transporeon CEO Stephan Sieber is a guest on the #1 podcast for all aspects of supply chain, manufacturing, logistics and business transformation. Tune in to learn more about Stephan’s background and how he uses his many years of professional experience to grow Transporeon's global freight network. 

Hosted by industry veteran Maria Villablanca, this episode covers: 

  • The art of keeping things simple 
  • How to leverage platform innovations to overcome supply chain challenges 
  • What the future holds for the Supply Chain

Tune in via Future Insights Network, or find the podcast via your favourite podcast streaming platform. 


Does your assignment strategy stack up?

Discover your optimal assignment strategy. Answer a few short questions and get a personalised evaluation of your assignment strategy plus recommendations to reduce freight spend, manual effort, and empty runs.

Automation cuts costs and simplifies communication with carriers

Transporeon has simplified and sped up processes. A cost-effective way to simplify their interaction with carriers has proven essential. Barilla relies on Transporeon for Transportation Execution and Time Slot Management, simplifying and speeding up processes as the company grew. It also made it easy to exchange information with carriers (many of whom use Transporeon themselves).

Digitalization is the secret ingredient that keeps your pasta fresh
How Transporeon makes business operations run smoothly
of CO2 emissions cut in 10 years per ton of finished product.
In 2012, Barilla switched to Transporeon and the SAP configuration.

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