
Boehringer Ingelheim quadruples the number of its tenders via the Transporeon platform

  • Boehringer Ingelheim is the first pharmaceutical company to fully outsource its operative logistics tender management process to Transporeon.

  • Using the Transporeon platform has enabled Boehringer Ingelheim to quadruple the number of its logistics tenders, helping to ensure process stability in the current volatile market and price environment.   

  • Boehringer Ingelheim remains in full control of all strategic decisions: schedule and scope of the tender as well as the service provider pool are managed by the pharmaceutical company.

Ulm, 2 November 2021 Boehringer Ingelheim was the first pharmaceutical company to fully outsource its operative tender management process to Transporeon in 2020. One year later, the benefits of this step have become clearly visible. 

In the current volatile market situation characterized by fluctuating prices, Boehringer Ingelheim was able to quadruple its logistics tenders (one per quarter instead of one per year) and ensure the robustness of its logistics processes. At the same time, Boehringer Ingelheim retains full control of all strategic decisions: the schedule, the scope of the tender, and the pool of service providers are managed by the pharmaceutical company itself.

By working with Transporeon, Boehringer Ingelheim receives better service at a lower cost. Even in times of reduced transport capacity, the pharmaceutical company obtains attractive offers via Transporeon’s active tender management. In parallel, costs and effort for the internal coordination of the tendering process decrease.

In addition, the logistics experts from Ulm regularly supply market insights to Boehringer Ingelheim to facilitate navigating the current volatile market situation, as part of their procurement excellence programme. These analyses by Transporeon have proven essential for making long-term strategic decisions. 

Sören Brodowy, Head of Global Sourcing Logistics at Boehringer Ingelheim said: “Working closely with the Transporeon employees is of paramount importance for us. They are the logistics experts for the execution of the tendering process, as well as data processing, validation and analyses.”

Expanding this partnership in the future is highly likely. Boehringer Ingelheim successfully introduced Transporeon’s spot tendering tool at a site in Belgium to bridge the shortage of air freight capacity during the pandemic. Due to this success, the pharmaceutical company is considering deploying the spot tool developed for air and ship freight across the entire company in the medium-term. 

Boehringer Ingelheim and Transporeon have been working together as trusted partners in the field of contract tendering since 2010. 

About Transporeon 

At Transporeon, our mission is to bring transportation in sync with the world. We power the largest global freight network of 1,300 industrial shippers, 100 large retailers and more than 145,000 carriers and logistic service providers. They execute 120,000 transports per day on our platform and tender around €20bn in freight volume per year across land, ocean and air. Our Transportation Management Platform is fully equipped to meet modern supply chain needs, enabling transparent supply chains and efficient processes for all participants. Our modular tools and services cover market intelligence and benchmarking, freight procurement and rate management, transport execution, dock scheduling and yard management, tracking and visibility, freight settlement, payment and audit. All of this is fully deployable across the globe for continent-spanning multi-modal coverage that can handle any load. Transporeon is fully GDPR-compliant, including our data lake for automated decision-making support based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Transporeon is headquartered in Ulm, Germany, and maintains 18 offices around the globe with more than 1,300 employees across 27 countries. For more information visit  www.transporeon.com.

Press contact

Tatiana Sitnikova

PR Manager

Tel.: +49-1515-1700301

Email: [email protected]