The Road to Net Zero

The European Union has set a goal to be climate neutral by 2050. Today, road freight accounts for 20% of all CO2 emissions from transport in Europe, and is still growing. 

This in-depth report is the result of expert interviews with supply chain leaders who share their outlook on how we can meet the EU’s 2050 goal as well as focus on immediate steps for today and tomorrow. 


The Cost of Doing Nothing

Having a price on carbon is going to be a vital factor in meeting sustainability targets. In fact, a sample of over 800 small and medium-sized EU road carriers surveyed by Transporeon, KLU, and SFC identified cost saving potential as the most important driver of decarbonization investments.

Written by Professor Alan McKinnon of Kuehne Logistics University, this report summarizes the perspectives of:

As representatives of this industry, we have a responsibility to work together to develop and apply new approaches and technologies to get as close as possible to the EU’s emission reduction targets.

Professor Alan McKinnon,
Kühne Logistics University

Digitalization is going to have a massive role to play in decarbonization potential. Even just in the sense of real-time data it's a game-changer.

Angie Farrag-Thibault, Project Lead, Clean Trucking
World Economic Forum

It's hard to imagine how you can significantly cut emissions from one year to the next. From one decade to the next. But it always starts with planning and strategy.

Marcelo Marcal, Director of Purchasing in Logistics

This is the way I talk to my people, this is what we need to eliminate: Empty space, empty miles and moving to intermodality as fast as humanly possible.

Pietro d’Arpa, Vice President Supply Chain - Europe Logistics & End to End Strategic Planning,
Procter & Gamble

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