

A Transporeon publication
Welcome to the inaugural edition of IN SYNC magazine. In the following pages you will find the latest transportation updates, thought leadership insights and success stories, all from within the Transporeon ecosystem.

Read about:

  • The impact of new regulations on our industry, in terms of electronic documents and forthcoming compliance from a CO2 perspective.

  • The advantages our customers have gained from transacting on the Transporeon platform.

  • The latest hot topics, such as the driver shortage and empty loads, and how we can manage these challenges.

Magazine highlights:

  • Driver shortages: Could 18 more minutes and the latest tech be the answer? 

  • Platform power: Find out how logistics are converging into a digitally led super-future, thanks to the marketplace nature of the platform. 

  • How sustainable is sustainability? Why quality data is all you need

  • Forward and Upward: What to expect in transportation in 2024 and beyond

This collection of articles highlights current trends in freight and upcoming developments, and demonstrates how we can use artificial intelligence and machine learning to help us automate processes. They also illustrate how real-time insights from data can be harnessed and applied, and how we can work together to solve the challenges when moving goods from A to B.

Happy reading, keep in touch and all the best with your transportation strategy.

Stephan Sieber, CEO Transporeon

Hub focus

Freight sourcing and procurement

Read how ghost lanes can haunt your procurement strategy and discover how ABinBev brewed up double-digit savings.

Transport Execution

Find out how to gain a competitive advantage and why Pfeifer is putting logistics efficiency at the root of their business.

Dock and Yard Management

Learn about the revolution happening on the yard and loading dock, which means a win for all parties. Plus, we reveal the new innovation for 2023: Digital Transport Documents.


Discover how to lower costs with multimodal transparency and how Saint-Gobain Isover created a rapidly scalable visibility solution with high levels of automation.

Freight Audit and Payment

Read about invoice clarity and data intelligence and how a leading FMCG company is shrinking spend with Transporeon Freight Audit.


Learn about the power of benchmarking and how Schneider Electric unlocked greater visibility into the market.

Read how ghost lanes can haunt your procurement strategy and discover how ABinBev brewed up double-digit savings.

Find out how to gain a competitive advantage and why Pfeifer is putting logistics efficiency at the root of their business.

Learn about the revolution happening on the yard and loading dock, which means a win for all parties. Plus, we reveal the new innovation for 2023: Digital Transport Documents.

Discover how to lower costs with multimodal transparency and how Saint-Gobain Isover created a rapidly scalable visibility solution with high levels of automation.

Read about invoice clarity and data intelligence and how a leading FMCG company is shrinking spend with Transporeon Freight Audit.

Learn about the power of benchmarking and how Schneider Electric unlocked greater visibility into the market.

Find out how Transporeon can help you grow your business

Get a live demo of the Transporeon platform and see how shippers and carriers use our products and solutions every day.


Explore our Transportation Management Platform


Dock and Yard Management

Headline for Flip 2
  • Bring order to the dock, warehouse and yard with visibility-driven dock scheduling and yard management solutions. 
  • Increase the speed of handling and control downstream processes, boosting productivity by up to 20%.
  • Reduce wait times by up to 30 to 40% and lower detention and demurrage charges.


Freight Audit

Headline for Flip 2
  • Automate your freight billing process and stay on top of your freight spend for all modes. 
  • Gain a clear picture of logistic operations based on a single source of audited and indisputable data.
  • Improve cash flow.


Freight Sourcing

Headline for Flip 2
  • A structured and scalable way to source the right partners for your spot, seasonal and long-term contracts.
  • All modes are all covered, from FTL to LTL, ocean, air and rail. 
  • Easily benchmark your procurement results with peers in your industry.
  • Become part of a global collaboration network.


Transport Execution and Visibility

Headline for Flip 2
  • Move more freight and worry less. It’s the smartest way from load to asset, and vice versa. 
  • Incorporate spot shipments into your daily tactical execution process and rely on real-time insights.
  • Expand your pool of potential partners.